Sunshine Pediatrics

Sunshine Pediatrics of Central Florida, PL
Richard Rodriguez, MD (a.k.a. Dr. Rich)
210 Lookout Place
Maitland, FL 32751
Phone 407-215-0400
Fax 407-215-0402
"The doctor kids love and parents trust"

Congratulations New Parents!  Welcome to the world of parenthood!  

We like to see you and your new baby in our office at 3-5 days of life and again at 2 weeks of age, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 15 months, 18 months, 24 months and at least every year there after for a yearly well child check up.  If you have a baby boy and you choose to have him circumcised, we prefer to do it at the 3-5 day visit, please make mention if you would like this done at time of scheduling your newborn son's appointment.

Immunizations are suggested to be given in accordance with the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics. We are also open to choices and options with regards to immunizations (see our page on vaccine schedules).  At each well child check up, we are assessing the health of your child and the physical growth and development as well as providing helpful anticipatory information on upcoming development.

 How Breastmilk Protects Newborns  as Baby's First Immunizations)

 Best Breastfeeding Information Website ~

Information and Helpful Web Sites (Adobe Acrobat Reader® is required to view the following forms. To download this free software, click here. )
Newborn Screening Information Brochure      ENGLISH        SPANISH
Newborn Hearing Screening       Hearing Screening Brochure
Dad's Site - 24 Hour Roadside Assistance - Manual for New Dads (leaving Sunshine Pediatric's site)

 When to Call the Pediatrician:
If your child is not breathing, turns blue, or suffers a life threatening accident, CALL 911 immediately.
If your infant is 2 months or under and has a rectal temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (38.1 degrees Celsius) or higher, call your pediatrician immediately. This is an absolute necessity. The doctor will need to examine the baby to rule out any serious infection or disease. (How to take a temperature.)
You need to notify your pediatrician if your 3-6 month old has a rectal temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38.3 degrees Celsius) or greater.
If your child is older than 6 months and has a temperature of 102 degrees Fahrenheit (39.4 degrees Celsius) or higher.
If your child is vomiting and/or has diarrhea, he may be becoming dehydrated and needs to be seen especially if this goes on for several hours and if associated with a high fever.
In an older child, if a high fever persists for more than 24 hours or is associated with other symptoms such as sore throat, earache, rash, or cough, a sick visit is indicated.
Or, anytime you, as the parent, feel concerned about your child's health.


Below are some excellent trifold brochures published by Hale Publication.

The Breastfeeding
Central app is like
having a breastfeeding
expert in the palm of
your hand. Written by
a board certified
lactation consultant,
it guides you through
every phase of nursing
your baby.

 Caring for New Baby

 Understanding Newborns

Understanding Newborn Reflexes

Calming with white noise
Swaddle, lay on , shhhhh, and gently rock
's baby calming techniques
(                              H piest Baby on thok)

This information is for educational purposes only and it should be used only as a guide.
Copyright @ 2006-2015 Sunshine Pediatrics